Monday, October 31, 2005

37 weeks down, 3 more to go (unless Evan has other plans that we are all unaware of). I would not mind him arriving about a week early but we'll see what happens. I certainly don't think I could take it if he were late but I guess I should not complain since things have gone so well up to this point. I have no complaints this far into it which I never imagined could happen. In about the middle of last week sometime he dropped so I guess he is gearing up for his arrival. He's also been moving a lot more in the past week and the movements are very strong. One day I thought he was trying to elbow his way out! I am now done with work and am trying to get things ready for him. It shouldn't be long now until we have our little baby boy! Here are a couple of pictures of me in my Halloween costume that I wore to our neighbor's party this weekend. I decided to make the most of my big belly and incorporate it into the costume....

Sunday, October 09, 2005

This weekend we went to Orlando for Jamie's wedding and we had so much fun! We ran into a few difficulties such as a cancelled flight, a 1:00am fire alarm and evacuation of the hotel Friday night, a loud fighting couple in the room next door and hot, humid, rainy weather but overall the trip was great. Strangely enough Jillian was also visiting Orlando from Destin and Raven was visiting from San Diego. All 3 of us were there for completely unrelated reasons and it was awesome since I have not seen either of them since I've been pregnant. Jeff, Raven and I had dinner Friday night and breakfast with Jillian Saturday morning before the wedding. The wedding was amazing and it was great hanging out with everyone there. Penn State was playing Ohio State and since about half of the people at the wedding either went to Penn State or had some connection, a great deal of time was spent in the hotel bar watching the game or at least getting score updates. Penn State did win!! What makes this win even better is the fact that Michigan and Wisconsin both lost. They are off to Michigan next week but as for us, I think our trips are over for a while- at least until January.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Only 6 more weeks to go!!! Last weekend my mom, mother in law and sister in law threw me a baby shower. We got lots of stuff so we are definitely a step closer to being ready although I am not sure if we'll ever be totally ready. It was a great weekend. Besides getting to see everyone my mom made her famous raviolis, which we usually only get on Christmas day, and Ho-Ho cake!!! While all of us were in Pittsburgh we got to see Madison cheer at her football game! Later on that day Syndey showed us some of the cheers at home. She is getting a jump start for try-outs in 2 years! I also got to see Michelle my roommate from college, and the funniest girl I know, who drove all the way from Harrisburg after being at a Rolling Stones concert the night before! Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Be sure to check out the cake which features baby pictures of Jeff (left) and I (right).