Thursday, May 18, 2006

Evan enjoyed another visit with his Grandpa Jim and Grandma Billie. He stopped crawling backwards now and is trying really hard to crawl forward. He can do it every once in a while but in a couple of weeks I bet he'll be pretty good at it and then we'll be in real trouble! He still is babbling a lot and it is nice when a "mama" or "dada" comes out of his mouth. Right now his favorite word is "hey". Alos, it seems that he is getting some more teeth. This time on the top. Lots of drooling and chewing on things again.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

6 months old and Evan is growing like a weed! Now at 13 pounds, 12 ounces and 25 inches he is jumping percentiles!! He has been so good at crawling backwards this past month but the other day he started going forward. He only does it when he sees something he really wants to get (like the remote or a magazine) but it is very exciting. He must have picked up on a few things while I was doing prenatal yoga since he loves to do downward facing dog pose...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Evan had quite an adventure yesterday. It was his first trip into the city! He got to ride the train and the subway and have lunch at Tavern on the Green. We even hung out in Central Park afterward and he loved every minute of it. He put on quite a show for the people at the restaurant smiling at everyone and laughing. He got to sit in a high chair at the table with us and ate some acorn squash and cereal while we were there. The train ride was very exciting for him as he looked out the window at everything. The busy day must have wore him out since he fell asleep on the noisy subway and did not wake up until we were on the train and almost home. Evan seems to be a city boy.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We are now living in our new house! Having the little man around makes it a little more difficult to unpack so we are not officially all moved in yet and I am expecting it to take a while. Evan seems to really enjoy the new place. He finally has his own room and a yard to play in! The puppy has been loving the yard as well and Evan laughs hysterically at her running around out there. Two teeth are completely in now on the bottom, he is crawling backwards like a champion and sits beautifully without assistance. Yesterday he got his new high chair and he really seems to like it.