Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter!! We celebrated Evan's 2nd Easter in very chilly, snowy PA. It was fun. We got to see everyone and Evan started to learn names. He can say Sydney very well, calls Madison "sun", now calls Grammie "gam-ma" and even started calling Pap "paps". The Easter Bunny brought him Elmo which made him very happy. We also got to see Sydney's Easter show at school which Evan must have really liked because he clapped a lot (he did get upset when he was not allowed on the stage before the show began). He made sure he got to sweep as often as possible including rest stops, restaurants, Michelle's house and Grammie's too. We also played at an indoor playground called The Kid Company which he liked despite their lack of brooms.

More driving practice at Kid Company..

Resting on a giant Ladybug...

Trying to eat the mirror (or the baby in the mirror?)

Climibing through the tree at Kid Company...

Trying to escape from Sydney...

Easter Sunday at Uncle Scott's

Taking a break from sweeping at Grammie and Pap's (he has to earn his keep)

Rocking with mommie...

Taking Sydney's "angel" for a walk...

Using Sydney as a "see-eat"...

Monday, April 02, 2007

After a brief hiatus from saying new words Evan is back at it. The latest ones are: boots, map, keys, and "set, go!" right before he starts running. He got a visit from Grammie and Pap this week and we went to the Children's Museum, visited Daddy at work and drove a golf cart and even took Mommy out to lunch for her birthday and helped blow out candles!