Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
18 months old! Evan is now 21 pounds, 12 ounces and 31 inches tall!! He got 2 shots today and was not happy about it but was ok once he got an Elmo band-aid. There is also a new favorite food- quesadillas or as Evan says "dia, more dia!!" He still loves his orzo though and tonight at dinner said: "I want more orzo!". We could not believe it. Here are a few new pictures...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Evan is just about 18 months and he is now talking up a storm. He repeats most of what we say and says it pretty well most of the time. Some of the funnier words are- ipod, orzo, diaper, wipey, mote (for the tv remote), zebra, clean-up, mess and shovel. He is starting to combine words and said his first sentence last week which was "Wash the puppy!". He got that from an Elmo book we read in the tub all of the time. He asks for more food when he's eating- "More orzo!" and "More cheese!" and today handed me the phone saying "Call Daddy". He was even repeating parts of the alphabet while watching Sesame Street today (lmnop, t, x and z).
We had a recent visit from Grandma and Grandpa Cowell. While they were here the weather was really nice so we went to the zoo. Evan seemed to appreciate it a little more than last year but did not like being in his stroller for so long.