Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Daddy Day!!! After my all day coaching Evan finally said it and then would not stop and was still saying it today! Jeff found it a welcome change from the usual "Daddy cut grass, mower, all done!".

Friday, June 08, 2007

"All done!" That is Evan's favorite new expression. He says it when he is actually done with something or when he wants to be done with something, like in the middle of having his diaper changed. He says small parts of the alphabet randomly and occasionally counts to 8. (ABCD and 678 are heard most often) We had a visit from baby Elaina yesterday so we got the bouncy seat out and Evan had a blast with it. After she left he'd climb in and out of it saying "baby Laina, baby Laina". I showed him how to switch on the "calming vibrations" and he kept saying "tickle on" before he flipped the switch.