I am happy to report that Evan now has his own weed whacker and leaf blower. I never knew such toys existed but they do and he loves them!! We just took a trip to PA and had lots of fun. Evan got to go to Kennywood and ride a roller coaster for the first time and even had potato patch fries! He also had a great time at Grammie and Pap's watering the garden and swimming. After repeatedly saying "go see cousins" we finally got to see Madison and Sydney. They played a fun game with Evan where they were trying to teach him new words. They kept asking him to say different words that popped into their heads and he said everything they threw his way. Evan also loves to do somersaults and was sure to show it off when Sydney was showing us her gymnastics in the yard.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
"Happy Birthday to you!" Despite the fact that it is not anyone's birthday (that we know anyway) Evan keeps randomly yelling this throughout the day. He is singing songs like hokey pokey, head shoulders knees and toes, and Hammer Time :) His favorite is Patty Cake with Grammie and Pap. He can almost get through the whole alphabet now and counts to ten then says "sisteen, senteen, upteen". The obession with landscaping equipment continues and he loves to watch the guys that come to our neighbors house. When they are done he says "Bye-bye mower, Bye-bye leaf blower, Bye -Bye weed wacker, Bye-bye truck." The lastest thing he loves to do is play in the car. We just open the door, he climbs in and explores. He still loves the vacuum and now has his own Elmo vacuum thanks to grammie. He loves to be chased by the Elmo vacuum.